March 22, 2015

As most land sureyors will agree to spring is much anticipated in this business for a few reasons. First and foremost, in our book, is the frost finally leaving the ground and the search for land survey monuments is now much easier. Of course the warm weather puts a smile on most people’s faces and the grass now goes from brown to green.

One thing that spring also brings is people’s re-interest in their yard and those yard projects that were abandoned last fall once the snow flew. A lot of those projects involve having your land surveyed. What we at Advance Surveying and Engineering find is that until late in March our schedule is pretty quiet. Then the weather warms up and people are in a hurry to either complete those aforementioned projects or start new ones. That time is now upon us and our schedule is quickly filling up. We at Advance Surveying and Engineering pride ourselves on meeting our clients needs be it schedule or cost wise.

We now have 4 licensed land surveyors and 1 licensed engineer to meet your surveying and engineering needs. Remember that we only use licensed land surveyors to do our field work and those same licensed land sureyors do the AUTOCAD drawings and follow the project to the end. We find that this method reduces our return trips to the site and helps us to meet our clients demanding schedules.

If you are in the market for a large land survey in Edina, or trying to build a garage in Minneapolis and need one lot line staked, please call on Advance Surveying and Engineering. When you reach out to us you will always be treated with the utmost respect and our office staff will be very professional and friendly. Your inquiry will always be addressed quickly either on the phone or through our online request form via our website. We are very attentive to our clients needs and we may surprise you as to how quickly we can meet your needs.

As the old saying goes “Spring has sprung” and we at Advance Surveying and Engineering are ready to help you start that new project this year. Maybe it is a new fence and you need to have one lot line surveyed. Maybe you are planning that 4 season porch and the city wants you to have a new certificate of survey prepared. Or maybe you are finally building the dream house that you have always wanted and the first step is to have your land surveyed. If you are in the market for any of the above projects please call on Advance Surveying and Engineering.

Happy Spring to all and bring on the warmth!

March 22, 2015 Advance Surveying